
However, we have received many inquiries about not receiving notifications due to incorrectly entered e-mail addresses, filtering, or other reasons. Please let us know if this is the case and we will resend the e-mail.
  • Please address inquiries by e-mail to Our staff will contact you within 2 business days.
  • We also accept inquiries via Instagram DM (images can be attached).
  • Responses are made in order from Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm at Japan time (excluding holidays).
  • If you have any questions about returns or your order, we would appreciate it if you could describe the following items to the best of your knowledge (only unused items with tags are accepted, so please check the condition of the items when they arrive).
    【Order number】 (4-digit number starting with #)
    【Order date】
    【Your name】
    【Address】【Attached photo of the problem】【Item(s) you wish to return】【Reason for return, remarks area, etc.】